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The Cloud Computing and how it works

Put simply, cloud computing is a new way of looking at how people and organisations buy, consume and pay for IT. Traditionally, if an individual or an organisation wanted to buy, say, an external hard disk drive for storing data such as files, pictures and videos, they would make a one-time payment- just like for any other product- use the disk until it was full and then go and buy another one and so on. In the cloud computing model, they can pay a third party provider for storing their data - and pay according to the amount of storage required and the length of time for which data needs to be stored.

Take another example. The old way of performing the analysis of data such as previous years' sales records or consumers' purchase patterns was that the company requiring such analysis would purchase and install a business intelligence (BI) software on its own systems and use it for analysis whenever it wanted. The new, cloud computing way does not require upfront purchase and installation of a BI software; instead, the company can specify its analytics needs to a cloud solution provider (CSP), which would run the analysis on the company's data on its behalf. The company would charge a fee for this "service."
Cloud computing is thus a comprehensive solution that delivers IT as a service and simplifies IT infrastructure without sacrificing customization and integration capabilities. Computers in the cloud are configured to work together; the various applications use the collective computing power as if they are running on a single system.
In other words, cloud computing is a category of computing solutions in which a technology or service lets users access computer resources on demand, as needed, whether the resources are physical or virtual, dedicated, or shared, and no matter how they are accessed(via a direct connection, local area network or LAN, the Internet, etc.). The cloud is often characterized by self service interfaces that let customers acquire resources as long as needed.

Cloud computing scores over traditional IT in that its more efficient and flexible, and allows better collaboration among users, departments and organisations.

Manohar Mohanta

Hi, I am Designer of computer solutions. I am CEO/Founder of computer hardware and software solutions. I am Creative Art Director, Web Designer, VHDL Programer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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